First Reconciliation & Communion
Through the sacraments, we grow in our awareness of God's loving presence in our lives. Sacraments are events that involve the entire community in ways that make clear for us our common relationship in Christ. Sacraments hold such deep meaning for us because they are rooted in and flow from our everyday experiences of belonging, sharing, loving, and forgiving. We invite you to make this period of sacramental formation a special time for your family to become more aware of God's presence in your lives.
Here are some details about our program:
Our program is for 2nd graders and older.
Our program has two parts and both are required:
Preparation for Reconciliation – 5 sessions in the fall
Preparation for First Holy Communion – 8 sessions in the winter/spring
Classes meet on Sundays from 9:15-10:15 a.m.
We use the RCL Benziger textbooks.
Parents attend 4 parent meetings during the year to share in ritual preparation with their child.
First Communion is typically celebrated at the 5 pm mass in late April or early May.
Registration takes place online. Registration opens in June and closes in the first week of September each year.
Required for registration:
Copy of baptism certificate if not baptized at St. Ignatius Church
Registration form (online)
Medical & photo release (online)
Payment of $70 to cover program costs (Please let us know if the registration fee is a financial hardship for your family and we can make arrangements.)
We look forward to accompanying you and your child(ren) on this journey. If you would like to be more actively involved as a volunteer or catechist, or if you have further questions, please call the parish office