Season of Creation
The Catholic community was called upon by Pope Francis through his encyclical Laudato Si' in 2015 to hold care for creation, our common home, at the forefront of our ministerial work. Again in 2019, Fr. General Arturo Sosa of the Jesuit order, published a list of Universal Apostolic Preferences, offering four pillars and areas of utmost importance in our mission. Care for our common home was one of the four.
We hear these calls from beyond our parish, and we hear them within. Based on a year-long parish discernment process in 2009, our parish community, looking at the signs of our time, identified ecological justice as the focal point in our justice work and all that we do. Out of this discernment process was born our eco-justice ministry. It consists of three different areas of focus: service, advocacy, and faith formation. Different events and opportunities in each area allow us to get involved as we learn to listen and respond to “the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.
For more info, contact Kristin O'Neill at (503) 724-2692.